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Aniblur Games

Lovely made to be played

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What is this bot for?

Our artificial intelligence bot can communicate with human beings in various languages. Besides normal chatting he is capable of solving math related issues, translating your message into another language, check your sentence for spelling mistakes and draw images from your description.


Command Argument Required Description
/ai aitype Yes Which type of artificial intelligence is required for your request. Given choices are Chat and Image.
words Yes What ever you want to tell the artificial intelligence.
/sayde Tells you a random german saying translated to english.
/sayen Tells you a random english saying translated to german.
discord command badge


Developing an artificial intelligence is not an easy job and developers spend a lot of time training the model. This is why we decided to make this Discord bot a donation based service: you can use it for free, however we are thankful for your financial support.


Our bot does not require its own role or any special permissions. Required permissions (in channels you want the bot to answer requests):

  • Show channel
  • Send messages
  • Attach files

Users need to be allowed to execute applicationcommands in order to use the bot.


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