Welcome to

Aniblur Games

Lovely made to be played


Legal responsibility for content

As a service provider, we are responsible for the content presented on our websites.
We will remove infringing content as soon as we become aware of it.

Legal responsibility for links

We have no influence over the content shown on third-party websites that are linked from our website. Since it is not possible to continuously monitor the content of those websites, we are not responsible for the content of third-party websites.
Whenever we become aware of any legal violation, we will remove the respective link.

Legal responsibility for copyright

Please report any copyright infringement committed by us either through a support ticket on one of our Discord servers or by email.
The affected content will be removed after positive verification.


To spread news and provide support, we use Discord.


We offer services which urge our customers to use software from Cfx.re.

Rockstar North

We offer services which urge our customers to use software from Rockstar North (Take2 Interactive).


We accept payments using PayPal.


Some of our services use OpenAI products.