Welcome to

Aniblur Games

Lovely made to be played


What data do we process?

As we do not operate our own account system, we work with account identities from other providers. These providers include Steam, Microsoft, XBOX, Discord and Rockstar Games. For more information about these third parties, please see our legal notice.
For purchases made through our payment platform, we also work with the customer's email address.
To log any customer interactions, we store their IP address.

What do we process this data for?

These data are mainly used to safeguard our systems. We reserve the right to exclude users from our systems if they breach our general terms and conditions. To identify excluded users as precisely as possible, we use their user account of any of the mentioned third-party providers. The IP address can also be used for a proper exclusion.
The e-mail address is only used to contact the user for problem handling of purchases made through our payment platform.
To store game stats and the virtual assets of a player, we use the user account of any of the aforementioned third-party providers.

Where is this data stored?

Data is stored on our servers (meaning we have full control over it), located in various locations in Europe. Any logging of user interactions is kept on Discord servers.
Transactions processed through our payment platform will be stored with PayPal.

Your data, your control

You have the right to always know which of your data we store and where.
You can also request a correction or even deletion of your data from us. If no retention obligation applies to these data, we will comply with your request.
To submit such a request, you can either create a Support Ticket on one of our Discord Servers or contact us via email.